Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Where The Big Bucks Were In Nevada In 2014

It's hunt application time again.  Every year we choose our favorite hunting spots, make our selections, and mail them in.  Then we wait, and wait, and wait, hoping for that 1st choice number to show up on our tags, or for any tag to show up at all.

NDOW has once again compiled their list of mule deer hunt stats, and we're digging into last year's figures.  In an effort to make things easier, I've distilled the numbers down to the top five units for the resident rifle, archery, and muzzleloader seasons for each of the following categories:  best draw odds, highest percentage of hunter success, and most number of 4-point or bigger bucks killed.

And just like last year, we've compared the stats of every unit in the state against each other to come up with a completely theoretical "Dream Hunt Score."  It works like this:  if the odds of getting a tag were 1 to 1 (guaranteed,) and 100% of the hunters who got those tags got a deer (100% Success) and every buck killed by those hunters was a 4-point or bigger (100%), then the ideal Dream Hunt Score would be 200.

In other words:
100 percent of bucks killed were 4-point or bigger, plus
100 percent of hunters were successful, divided by
1:1 draw odds, equals 200.  (100+100/1=200)

So without further ado, here are the facts:

Best Draw Odds

If you're not much of a gambler and would simply prefer to have a tag anywhere, these were the easiest units to draw in Nevada in 2014:


1 to 1 Odds

101-109 Early

2 to 1 Odds

061, 062, 064, 066-068 Early
071-079, 091 Early
111-113 Early
114, 115 Early
141-145 Early
151-156 Early
161-164 Early
171-173 Early


1 to 1 Odds

071-079, 091 Early
101-109 Early
101-109 Late
114, 115


1 to 1 Odds


2 to 1 Odds

071-079, 091
202, 205, 206

Best Chance of Hunter Success

If you're a new hunter or just aren't that familiar with many hunting spots in the state, take heart and give these units a look.  Nevada mule deer hunters had the best success in these areas in 2014.


194, 196                  82% Success
121 Late                  78% Success
131-134 Late           69% Success
022                          67% Success
121 Early                 65% Success


081                        100% Success
121 Late                  75% Success
131-134                  68% Success
194, 196 Late          63% Success
261-268                  60% Success


261-268                 100% Success
201-204                 100% Success
131-134                   70% Success
121                          67% Success
022                          60% Success
081                          60% Success (tie)

Most 4-Point or Bigger Bucks Killed

Sure, trophies can be found anywhere there's food, water, shelter, and minimal hunting pressure.  Based on successful hunt return cards, these were the units that gave up the most 4-point or bigger bucks.


195                                             88% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
081                                             86% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
221-223 Late                              80% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
251-253                                      77% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
061, 062, 064, 066 068 Late       71% of bucks killed were 4+ points.


033                                            100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
034                                            100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
114, 115                                    100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
194, 196 Early                           100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
195                                            100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
201, 202, 204-206 Early            100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
211-212                                     100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
251-253                                     100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.


081                                            100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
202, 205, 206                            100% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
014                                              75% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
114, 115                                      68% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
011-013                                      67% of bucks killed were 4+ points.
022                                              67% of bucks killed were 4+ points.

The Dream Hunt Score for 2014

Using the formula described at the beginning of the article, each unit in the state had its hunt success, draw odds, and 4+ point buck harvest percentage calculated and compared against all the others.  According to the numbers, the following areas were - statistically speaking - the best areas to hunt muley bucks in 2014.

As always, I must put the disclaimer out there.  These stats can be affected by a host of different factors, including hunter skill, hunter numbers, weather, and others.  Also, the fewer the number of hunt return cards, the less accurate these figures will be.  When tracked over time, however, as I intend to do, we may start to see some interesting trends.

Stay tuned for next year's stats, and good luck hunting this year!

Do you agree with these stats?  If so or if not, tell us why.